Educational Consortium – UK

10, BKS, Kadi Students were facilitated by the President & Chairman for being the proud SVKM Ambassadors and stepping ahead to make education border less. Under the Value Based Education Program these students shall be attending a one week School Program at Merryhills School and Eversley Primary School, London, UK .

And The largest group of Gujarat with 12 faculties and 18 students of KSV, are joining a 10 days University and Business visit consortium to the United Kingdom. As part of the International faculty development and International student empowerment program jointly organised by KSV and GTEP in association with British Deputy High Commission.

We wish them all the best for their advancement towards Global learning.

Harnessing the power of three: "what""why"&"how"

. Sincere efforts have been put forward for the upcoming presentations.

Competence development based learning in professional master education